Welcome to The Norwood School Affiliated to C.B.S.E vide affiliation no 1631487

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents


I would like to extend my warm welcome to you and your child.


Education is a life-long learning process. Learning happens all the time; not only in a pre-designated place called the school. It happens in the home, between home and school too. The home’s and school’s mission therefore is to provide a learning environment and opportunities to the children as the learners.

We, at The Norwood School are fully aware of the fact that ‘The road to success is always under construction.’ We firmly believe that education is not accumulation of facts but unravelling of ideas.


Our distinctive academic programmes and innovative teaching methodologies will encourage our students to develop critical thinking and learn through enquiry and reason to exchange thoughts and ideas to develop key personal and social values to take ownership for his/her choices and to set goals to realize their own unique potential.


We are all committed to work collaboratively with parents to nurture an individual who posses love for thy country, society, community and family values.


As we glance back at the last academic session it was really a very tough situation for all the institutions. But with the collaborative efforts of the staff, students and parents we were able to provide our students with best of quality education on on-line basis. We are thankful to the parents for their concern and cooperation during this period.


Your suggestions, thoughts and concerns for the betterment of our institute are always welcomed. May we continue to give our students strong roots like Banyan Tree and strong wings to conquer the world!!


Thanks & Regards

Mr. Ravinder S. Bhanot