“Every moment in life brings new possibilities and opportunities of success and the boundless joy is compounded when we are about to realize our goal.”
The Norwood School is an incredible place for students to grow educationally, get involved and have a meaningful school experience. I firmly believe that an educational institute is not just about bricks, mortar and concrete, but about building character, enriching minds and enriching experiences that last a lifetime.

At this unique institution, we hone the academic skills, fine-tune the aesthetic senses and work towards building a holistic culture that values the individuality of each pupil, helping them realize their innate potential.
Co scholastic and sports activities in our school are designed in such a way that they broaden the opportunities for students to manifest their talent, practice leadership, hone life skills and challenge themselves to develop interest in new areas.
During their study over here, we help them to develop self confidence, create lasting leaderships and learn the responsibilities and skills necessary to become good citizens.

In the end I would like to assure you dear parent that we at The Norwood School  are resolved that our school will always prove itself to be the place where everyone is precious and appreciated for his or her intrinsic qualities.
Looking forward to receive your child into our care.

Thanks and Regards

Mrs. Pooja Chaudhary